Getting a cosmetology degree allows you to be able to work in many different capacities in the beauty industry.  Before working in a salon or spa, you must be licensed and certified from a cosmetology school like Capilo Institute.  Before making the decision to attend cosmetology school, you must be sure that the industry is where you want to spend your career.  Here are a few ways to find out if the beauty industry and cosmetology school is right for you. 

Do You Like People?     

You must think about whether or not you like working closely with people.  You will be working one-on-one with clients all throughout the day.  Are you comfortable touching people and their hair or skin?  This is the most important part of the beauty industry. 

Can You Handle the Work?      

In the beauty industry, you mostly work with your hands all day.  You must be able to perform for the amount of hours per day that you'll work.  You'll also be expected to be on your feet for most of that time, especially when doing hair.  Skin estheticians and nail technicians may sit part of the time, but you must be able to be on your feet a lot.

Are You Comfortable Talking with People?     

You must be able to carry on friendly conversations with people, especially clients.  You should be able to easily talk to anyone, regardless of who they are.  You must be able to give an honest option, as well.  While having an educated answer, you must be able to answer questions tactfully, clearly and honestly, while not hurting your clients' feelings if they want something that will be unflattering to them.

Are You Creative?    

Do you have an eye for style?  Being a cosmetologist requires that you are constantly following all the latest trends in the beauty industry.  Hair trends, nail trends and skin treatments are constantly changing with time.  Technology is changing constantly as well, so you must be able to adapt.  Are you willing to be a risk taker when it comes to style and creativity?      

Are You Willing To Constantly Learn?     

Cosmetology school and beauty trends are constantly changing, so you must be willing to stay educated on procedures and trends in the industry.  If you want to stay up to date on the styles, you must be willing to participate in continuing your education for the length of time that you work in cosmetology.

If the beauty industry is your passion, and you love working with people, then cosmetology school is definitely a good choice for you.  By attending cosmetology school and working in the beauty industry, you'll be helping others and enjoying your career as well.    
